After Memling

Hans Memling (Seligenstadt, circa 1430-40 – Brugge,1494) was the first painter who used backgrounds behind his painted models. The portrayed were almost always depicted holding a small object in their hand. The hands were painted as if they were leaning on the paintings frame. This surreal atmosphere intrigued F. Franciscus. In 2010 he started painting a series of portraits ‘After Memling’. By carefully putting together the raw photographic material shot as study material for these painted images, the first two photo portraits arose. On these are depicted the gentlemen themselves.

The works are available as a Lambda print;

  • 30 x 40 cm (in an edition of 5)
  • 45 x 60 cm (in an edition of 5)
  • 90 x 120 cm (in an edition of 3)